don van vliet SINGING INK
poetry and fine
poem and accompanying
untitled drawing
from usa 1 november 1982 book VARIOUS WRITERS * CONJUNCTIONS
#3 four poems and three drawings
note: 'accompanying' means there is no relation, it just was printed on the opposite page....
popplin' gas hearts wide babylon ties that wave like jokers... stay straight collars short hair nicks castfat shadows blue beards on papers... wire up buttons balled up business routines... grey window godgets plush decor stoppers up... knee crosses wool halves wobble and eye water blinks... show trinket in... good typing tongue twister looks like you're in business gold anklet and all like a race horse... elbows are filthy in long sleeves he produced red chinese firecracker popped right up on the chart sparkle plenty... heavy michael was in it those horrid big wrinkleless pressed cuffs look like paper hats... dull shades needlenose shoes whoopsie daisy whoops! white powder peel up dinner jacket skeleton itty pitty pompadour off-broadway junior rose head glow... too old babies cigar nubs white cane gloves and matties... oh yes and nastynice numb eferet... fruit whistle dumped in fleece mugger's cowflop first of the folly ice 'fin and friggart' stanza... inland nuzzle nuzzling hen prop fluffy pink chicks ice blue and yellow eggs caramel bum shoes with milk white pants leave powder down the ankles collect walk off phosporus shoe prints poker visor green boardwalk knee length twelve year old towhead curly girls... sinful backbends peanut gallery senders and their shorter gents... bobby breen suave pompadours faced dwarfed by bow ties white stack up buttons... old girl with a mop and pale hairsock knee vain posture nurse white cracked scuffed brogues sole red strings violet waste... limp keyholder with glowing sun charged owl eyes tricks up her sleeve unbelievably fancy... young for forty-seven at this job... off-stage rouge hooker henna gypsy eyebrows rancid rinso sniffer in french mid-screen controls the wolves well wraps them around her little finger... flashy dadlike hero black and white shrimp entrails carnation odor of sen-sen graphite rolled stem rubber willhold lapel clasp... inky sheik eyes smooth in close to the nose oddball button caught tiny trumpet tattoo inside ear lobe... odd fellow lodge secret whippings... pinochle trumps ups mama's fat middle rise and fries get that? trinket? chainey
don van vliet 1982
don van vliet 1980
if you like you can click clack to the other ones right away:
poem &
drawing hollow smoke
poem &
drawing the smith that cleans our stars
poem &
book cover drawing dopedinstunnedmirages