captain beefheart electricity

discography - official releases

OTHER combinations and compilations THAN 'safe as milk + mirror man'

go to part 1 vinyl - THIS is part 2 CEEDEES (1)

-------------------- CDS

captain beefheart - the best of - compilation - front

captain beefheart - the buddah years - compilation -
            front cd

captain beefheart - a carrot is as close as a rabbit
            gets to a diamond - compilation - front cd

captain beefheart -
              electricity - compilation - front cd

captain beefheart -
              electricity - compilation - front cd

captain beefheart - hot head (introducing captain
            beefheart) - compilation - front cd

captain beefheart - outside: mirror man - content: the
            mirror man sessions - compilation - 'repro' cd reissue japan
confusing reissue...

captain beefheart - the mirror man sessions -
            compilation - cd box europe
european version

captain beefheart - the mirror man sessions -
            compilation - plate counterfeit russia
plate of the russian counterfeit


go to the NEXT part: MORE CEEDEES with other album combinations

list by theo tieman ©1995-2018

click clack back to the records, return to the power station or search on
captain beefheart electricity
as felt by teejo
