captain beefheart electricity


bibliography - magazines


1972: 'THE SPOTLIGHT KID' part 2 - part 1 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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  • 170272 ROLLING STONE #102 usa [and england] CAPTAIN BEEFHEART 'THE SPOTLIGHT KID' our hero * ad for lp - 2 illustrations {0.5 page a3} * reproduced in usa 2007 (book+4dvd)boxset 'rolling stone: cover to cover - 40 years of rolling stone 1967-2007'
  • 170272 THE SYRACUSE NEW TIMES vol.5 #18 usa john t. hall THE SPOTLIGHT KID - CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * review lp
  • 180272 THE SPECTRUM vol.22 #56 usa joe fernbacher CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * review concert 110272 state university, buffalo - picture santos {1 page a4}
  • press kit [±22]0272 KINNEY west germany CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * announcement 'the spotlight kid' - picture * in GERMAN {total: 1.5 page a4}
  • 230272 VARIETY vol.266 #2 usa BEEFHEART SPOT STIRS TV OUTLETS * news item
  • 280272 LOT'S WIFE vol.12 #1 australia shawn williams CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * feature - picture ed caraeff {1 page a3}
  • 010372 ACTUEL #18 france jean-pierre lentin SUIVEZ LE BOEUF POUR TROUVER L'ÂGE DU CAPITAINE captain beefheart * article - picture john williams * in FRENCH {total: 3 pages a4}
  • 010372 TUMBRIL vol.1 #5 usa mbw CAPTAIN BEEFHEART: 'I'M GONNA BOOGLARIZE YOU' * review 260172 veterans memorial auditorium, providence - picture ed thrasher {0.5 page a3}
  • 010372 ZIGZAG #24 england 'king leer' A CHILD'S GARDEN OF BEEFHEART [captain beefheart alphabet] * reprint without cover picture of usa 150371 changes * interview - 2 pictures jim anderson {3 pages a4} * text reprinted in england book 'the lives and times of captain beefheart' [2 pages a4] / CAPTAIN BEEFHEART 'THE SPOTLIGHT KID' our hero * ad for lp {1 page a4}
  • 060372 warner/reprise CIRCULAR vol.4 #9 usa BEEFHEART BRISTLES inspirational verse * poem - other item (concert date) - 2 pictures {(0.25) page a4}
  • 110372 SOUNDS england jody breslaw BEEFHEART: THE ROLL AIN'T STALE a few words with the good captain * shortened text of usa 130372 rock 'the spotlight kid' * interview / article - picture {1 page a3}
  • 130372 ROCK vol.3 #15 usa jody breslaw THE SPOTLIGHT KID a few words with good captain beefheart * interview / article - picture {total: 1.5 page a3} * shortened text published in england 110372 sounds 'beefheart: the roll ain't stale'
  • 170372 DAILY TROJAN vol.64 #91 usa bernard beck CAPTAIN BEEFHEART AND HIS MAGIC BAND fox west coast theater * review a concert 10-120372 fox west coast theatre, long beach
  • 180372 MELODY MAKER england CAPTAIN BEEFHEART + THE MAGIC BAND frederick bannister presents... * ad for uk tour - 2 illustrations {0.5 page a3}
  • 190372 CRAWDADDY #7/72 usa patrick carr WHERE ARE THE ANIMALS IN THIS PROGRAM? a study of captain beefheart * interview / feature - 4 pictures ed gallucci (2) eric rudolph (1) michael ochs archive (1) - lyric - poem (christmas card) {3 pages a3}
  • 190372 NEW YORK TIMES usa bob palmer CAPTAIN BEEFHEART: THE SPOTLIGHT KID * review lp
  • 250372 EVENING POST #12321 england james belsey UNDERGROUND MAN BLASTS TO SURFACE * review concert 240372 colston hall, bristol
  • 250372 MELODY MAKER england steve bradshaw THE CAPTAIN INVITES YOU TO DANCE * interview - picture reanne / BEEFHEART FLIES IN * short news item {total: 0.5+ page a3}
  • 300372 ROLLING STONE #105 usa [and england] lester bangs THE SPOTLIGHT KID captain beefheart * review lp
  • 310372 LEICESTER MERCURY england j.s.m. CAPTAIN BEEFHEART GROWLS * review concert 300372 de montfort hall, leicester
  • press kit 310372 NEGRAM holland CAPTAIN BEEFHEART bio * updated large part of unpublished usa 09?69 [straight records] 'the captain' * interview / feature - picture ed caraeff {4.5 pages a4}
  • 010472 CREEM vol.3 #11 usa ben edmonds & dave marsh THE KID IS GONNA BOOGLARIZE YA * review lp - 2x picture john williams - 3x illustration {2 pages a4}
  • 010472 DISC (and music echo) england caroline boucher ZAPPA STOLE MY IDEAS, SAYS THE CAPTAIN * interview - picture {0.75 page a3} * reprinted in england book 'the lives and times of captain beefheart' [1 page a4] / john peel PEEL meets the captain * short feature {0.25 page a3} * reprinted in england 2008 book 'john peel: the olivetti chronicles' [3 pages a5]
  • 010472 FINANCIAL TIMES #25721 england antony thorncroft CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * review concert 280372 royal albert hall, london
captain beefheart
                  bibliography - cover page melody maker 1 april 1972
  • 010472 MELODY MAKER england michael watts A LEGEND COMES TO LIFE * review concert 270372 royal albert hall, london - coverpicture barrie wentzell {total: 1+ page a3} * front page reprinted in germany 1993 book 'don van vliet: stand up to be discontinued' [2 pages a4]
  • 010472 MUSIK EXPRESS #196 west germany CAPTAIN BEEFHEART von zappa zum genie ernannt... * article - 2 pictures john williams (1) ed caraeff (1) * in GERMAN {1 page a4}
  • [belated] 010472 MUTHER GRUMBLE #4 england dave [faulkner?] BEEFHEART * short review concert 050472 city hall, newcastle upon tyne {0.25 page a3}
  • 010472 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS england danny holloway A TRIP INTO THE MIND OF THE SPOTLIGHT KID * interview - picture barry plummer - drawing {0.75 page a3} / danny holloway BEEFHEART * review unspecified concert 24-280372 england * text interview reprinted in usa 011072 hit parader 'captain beefheart: spotlight kid talking'
  • 010472 RECORD MIRROR england COME OUT PAUL... BEEFHEART'S HERE! * short interview (intro to england 080472 record mirror) - picture ed caraeff
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list by theo tieman ©1996-2025

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