captain beefheart electricity


bibliography - magazines


1972: 'THE SPOTLIGHT KID' part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
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  • 210971 GEORGIA STRAIGHT vol.5 #203 canada rick mcgrath A CANDID CONVERSATION WITH 'BEEF THE CHIEF' (ALIAS CAPTAIN BEEFHEART)' * interview - 4 pictures (1 cut-out) tracey lee hearst {2 pages a3} * edited text reprinted in usa 2014 book 'rick mcgrath: straight man' as 'don van vliet: i'm a soft star.'
  • 141071 THE VILLAGE VOICE vol.16 #41 usa anne tan CAPTAIN FROM EUREKA * review concert 081071 ritz theatre, staten island {0.25 page a3}
  • 281071 THE RICHMOND TIMES vol.8 #4 usa earl scott 'AN ECCENTRIC, EARTHY DUDE' * review late show 081071 ritz theatre, staten island - picture jim anderson {0.5 page a3}
  • 291171 FRENDZ #16 england laurie gane 'GUITAR IS LIKE THUMBING YOUR NOSE AT THE ANGELS' * interview - 3 pictures laurie gane {1- page a3}
  • 200172 ROLLING STONE #100 usa [and england] frank factor LETTER TO THE EDITOR * 'news item' - drawing * reproduced in usa 2007 (book+4dvd)boxset 'rolling stone: cover to cover - 40 years of rolling stone 1967-2007'
  • 210172 TIME OUT #101 england CAPTAIN BEEFHEART 'THE SPOTLIGHT KID' our hero * advertisement for lp - 2 illustrations {1 page a4}
  • 240172 THE BOSTON GLOBE vol.201 #24 usa michael nicholson CAPTAIN BEEFHEART PLAYS AT FENWAY * review concert 220172 the fenway theatre, boston
  • 250172 BOSTON HERALD TRAVELER vol.5 #201 usa charles giuliano BEEFHEART TRULY MAGICAL concert at the fenway * review concert 220172 the fenway theatre, boston
  • 280172 THE MASSACHUSETTS DAILY COLLEGIAN vol.99 #77 usa gary gomes A GENIUS FOR $2.50? * review concert 220172 the fenway theatre, boston / article - picture ed thrasher [0.75 page a3]
  • 300172 BOSTON HERALD TRAVELER vol.5 #206 usa charles giuliano CAPTAIN BEEFHEART, THE SPOTLIGHT KID * interview
captain beefheart bibliography
                - front page 'warner/reprise circular' usa 31 january
  • 310172 warner/reprise CIRCULAR vol.4 #4 usa AMERICA IS BULLISH ON CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * interview - 2 (cover)pictures bob gruen {3 pages a4}
  • 010272 BOSTON AFTER DARK usa milton moore CAPTAIN BEEFHEART ON STAGE AND OFF * review concert 220172 fenway theatre, boston / interview - 2 pictures michael dobo {total: 1.5 page a3}
  • 010272 THE TRINITY TRIPOD vol.70 #21 usa 'pooh' BEEFHEART CO. TOPS WEEKEND * review concert 290172 trinity college, hartford - 3 pictures (collage) trocker and wolf
  • 030272 MUHLENBERG WEEKLY vol.92 #15 usa dave fricke CAPTAIN BEEFHEART: MALIGNED PHENOMENON * article / review 'the spotlight kid' {0.5 page a3}
  • 040272 THE MASSACHUSETTS DAILY COLLEGIAN vol.99 #82 usa mike kostek ON THE CAPTAIN BEEFHEART BANDWAGON * review 'the spotlight kid' / essay - illustration {0.5 page a3}
  • 040272 THE TECH vol.92 #1 usa jay pollack CAPTAIN BEEFHEART FOR THE MASSES: HE HAS VERY STRUCTURED NOISE... * article / review concert 220172 fenway theatre, boston - picture jay pollack {0.5 page a3}
  • 060272 BOSTON SUNDAY GLOBE vol.201 #37 usa nathan cobb CAPT. BEEFHEART WHO ARE YOU? * article / interview - picture john williams (0.25- page a3}
  • 060272 BOSTON HERALD TRAVELER vol.5 #213 usa charles giuliano ZOOT HORN ROLLO AND ROCKETTE MARTEN * interview crew * note the printing errors
  • press kit [±08]0272 'REPRISE BIO' usa CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * announcement 'the spotlight kid' * reprinted in holland [±15]0272 press kit 'negram bio' * used for text version of england late0372 tour program 'in concert' {total: 1.5+ page a4} * reprinted in england 010496 fanzine 'steal softly thru snow #6' [2 pages a5]
  • 080272 THE ROUND TABLE vol.71 #14 usa rick faust THE MAN WITH A BEEF IN HIS HEART * review 'the spotlight kid' {0.75 page a3}
  • 100272 THE DAILY PENNSYLVANIAN vol.88 #44 usa ken kodama OH CAPTAIN, MY CAPTAIN * review late show 040272 university of pennsylvania, philadelphia / review 'the spotlight kid'
  • 110272 DAILY AZTEC vol.51 #61 usa taylor kingston BEEFHEART RETURN * review 'the spotlight kid'
  • 110272 THE PITTSBURGH PRESS vol.88 #141 usa carl apone TRIPP WITH BEEFHEART MAGIC BAND * interview crew - picture {0.25 page a3}
  • 110272 THE SPECTRUM vol.22 #53 usa GOOD DOSE OF ROCK 'N' ROLL captain beefheart * preview concert 110272 state university, buffalo = illustration
  • 120272 BUFFALO EVENING NEWS vol.183 #105 usa billy altman BEEFHEART BAND COMMITS MAGIC MUSICAL MAYHEM clark gym * review concert 110272 state university, buffalo
  • 120272 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS england roy carr SVENGALI ZAPPA AND A HORRIBLE FREAK CALLED BEEFHEART * interview / article - picture john williams {0.75 page a3}
captain beefheart bibliography - front page
                'warner/reprise circular' usa 14 february 1972 -
                valentine drawing and texts
  • 140272 warner/reprise CIRCULAR vol.4 #6a usa A PHILADELPHIA VALENTINE GREETING FROM CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * (cover) art item (card with drawings and texts) {2 pages a4} * cover reproduced in liner booklet to 'the dust blows forward' [1 page a6]
  • press kit [±15]0272 'NEGRAM BIO' usa CAPTAIN BEEFHEART * reprint of usa [±08]0272 press kit 'reprise bio' * announcement 'the spotlight kid' {2.5 page a4}
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list by theo tieman ©1996-2024

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