continued |
fri 14 january 1966 usa LANCASTER
ca exposition hall, antelope
valley fairgrounds 'the
cordials' car club dance
fri 18 february
1966 usa LANCASTER ca exposition
hall, antelope valley fairgrounds 'the cordials' car club dance
---------- club tour 'a go go' usa stage three bakersfield,
california ----------
sat 5 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
sun 6 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go,
golden state lanes three
mon 7 march 1966 usa
BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's
a go go, golden state lanes three sets
tue 8 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
wed 9 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
thu 10 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
fri 11 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
sat 12 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
sun 13 march 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state
lanes three
---------- end club
tour 'a go go' usa ----------
fri 18 march 1966 usa
LANCASTER ca exposition hall, antelope
valley fairgrounds 'the cordials' car club dance
15 april 1966 usa LANCASTER ca exposition
hall, antelope valley fairgrounds 'the
cordials' car club dance
thu 28 april 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca teevee 9th
street west khj-tv studio
sat 30 april 1966 usa
SAN DIEGO ca teevee dancetime
kfmb-tv studio
fri 6 may 1966 usa
LANCASTER ca exposition
hall, antelope valley fairgrounds teen
dance three sets
tour diddy wah diddy usa ----------
sat 7 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
sun 8 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
mon 9 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden
state lanes three sets
[±tue 10-thu 19] may 1966 usa
MALIBU ca teevee where the action is [the beach] daytime
tue 10 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
wed 11 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
thu 12 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
fri 13 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
sat 14 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
sun 15 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
mon 16 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
tue 17 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
wed 18 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
thu 19 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
cancelled fri 20 may
1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
fri 20 may 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom hupmobile 8
cancelled sat 21 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
sat 21 may 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom hupmobile 8
cancelled sun 22 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
cancelled sun 22 may 1966 usa SAN
FRANCISCO ca avalon
ballroom hupmobile 8
sun 22 may 1966 usa SCOTTS VALLEY ca the barn
cancelled mon 23 may 1966 usa BAKERSFIELD
ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
mon 23 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
cancelled tue 24 may
1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
tue 24 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two sets
cancelled wed 25 may
1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
wed 25 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
cancelled thu 26 may
1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three
thu 26 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two sets
cancelled fri 27 may
1966 usa BAKERSFIELD ca gay 90's a go go, golden state lanes three sets
fri 27 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two sets
sat 28 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go 16.00 h
sat 28 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go evening two
sun 29 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go 16.00 h
sun 29 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go evening two sets
mon 30 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
tue 31 may 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
wed 1 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
thu 2 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
fri 3 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go two
sat 4 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go 16.00 h
sat 4 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go evening two sets
sun 5 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go 16.00 h
sun 5 june 1966 usa WEST HOLLYWOOD ca whisky a go go evening two sets
10 june 1966 usa HOLLYWOOD ca hullabaloo
sat 11 june 1966 usa
sun [12 or
19] june 1966 usa LANCASTER
ca mr. d's
tue 14
june 1966 usa BUENA PARK ca the mecca
wed 15 june 1966 usa BUENA PARK ca the mecca
thu 16 june 1966 usa BUENA PARK ca the mecca
fri 17 june 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom
sat 18 june 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom
sat 25 june 1966 usa LOS ANGELES ca hollywood bowl beach boys summer spectacular
tue 28 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30
tue 28 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30
wed 29 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30
wed 29 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30
thu 30 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30 h
thu 30 june 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30 h
fri 1 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30 h
fri 1 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30
sat 2 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 00.30
sat 2 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30 h
sat 2 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30
sun 3 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 00.30
sun 3 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 20.30 h
sun 3 july 1966 usa GLENDALE
ca the ice house
glendale 22.30 h
tour diddy wah diddy usa ----------
fri july or august 1966 usa LANCASTER
ca mr. d's lounge
(next day) sat july or august
1966 usa LANCASTER ca mr. d's lounge
(next day) sun july or august
1966 usa LANCASTER ca mr. d's lounge
fri 22 july 1966 usa SANTA BARBARA ca exhibit hall, earl warren
showgrounds two sets
sat 23 july 1966 usa OXNARD ca starlite ballroom three sets
fri 19 august 1966 usa
LANCASTER ca exposition
hall, antelope valley fairgrounds 'the
cordials' car club dance
fri 26 august 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom
sat 27 august 1966 usa SAN FRANCISCO ca avalon ballroom
fri 30 september
1966 usa LANCASTER ca industrial building, antelope valley
fairgrounds 'the
saracens' car club concert three sets
fri 14 october
1966 usa LANCASTER ca exposition hall,
antelope valley fairgrounds 'the cordials' car
club dance
fri 28 october 1966 usa SAN
FRANCISCO ca fillmore
auditorium 21.00 h
sat 29 october 1966 usa SAN
FRANCISCO ca fillmore
auditorium 21.00 h
sun 30 october 1966 usa SAN
FRANCISCO ca fillmore
auditorium 14.00 h
sun 30 october 1966 usa SAN
FRANCISCO ca fillmore
auditorium 16.30 h
fri 18 november
1966 usa
ca exposition
hall, antelope valley
fairgrounds 'the
cordials' car club
16 december
1966 usa
ca center hall, antelope valley fairgrounds 'the cordials' car club dance
incomplete facts:
a number of
times first half 1966 usa LANCASTER ca mr. d's lounge
clack to 1967