captain beefheart electricity

discography - official releases

with frank zappa


go to bongo fury - willie the pimp - other - combinations

-------------------- ALBUMS

captain beefheart guest
              appearances - the soots (1963/64) - frank zappa 'old
              masters box one' - front 'mystery disc'

captain beefheart guest
            appearances - the soots (1963/64) - frank zappa 'old masters
            box one' front
  • FRANK ZAPPA * the OLD MASTERS box one 7lpbox with extensive notes book and original inserts remastered earliest albums includes 'bonus' elpee MYSTERY DISC (1):
    • the SOOTS vocal METAL MAN HAS WON HIS WINGS don van vliet co-composition 3:06 recorded 1964
    • the SOOTS spoken title i was a teenage maltshop (overture) 1:10 recorded 1963?
    • [related: frank zappa spoken-word the birth of captain beefheart 0:18 recorded 1963?]
  • usa 1985 barking pumpkin box: zm 1 (xxxxx) record: bpr 7777 6 limited and numbered edition mail order only
  • with 'i want the box' t-shirt
  • without t-shirt
  • captain beefheart guest
            appearances - the soots (1963/64) - frank zappa 'old masters
            box one' - front 'mystery disc' bonus lp
    the bonus elpee

    -------------------- CDS

    captain beefheart guest
              appearances - don van vliet / the soots (1958/64) - frank
              zappa 'the lost episodes' - front cd o-box

    captain beefheart guest
              appearances - the soots (1963/64) - frank zappa 'mystery
              disc' cd - front

    captain beefheart guest
            appearances - the soots (1963/64) - frank zappa at studio z
            - the real frank zappa book
    studio z - where metal man has won his wings
    picture from the real frank zappa book


    NOTE: as i'm no zappa expert at all, this overview is incomplete...

    list by theo tieman ©1996-2013

    click clack back to the records or return to the power station

    captain beefheart electricity
    as felt by teejo
