SHUSHA england
england 1974 elpee
IS THE DAY united artists uas 29684
england 2001 ceedee
/ THIS IS THE DAY beat goes on bgocd 531 two-on-one
her exotic name hints at it, and indeed this female singer was born and raised in persia before she (was) moved to england. she sang in a group the name of which escaped me, but mainly will be remembered for the solo albums she made around 1974. one is those elpees even got the title of the song she covered from 'cowboy' don's first mistake unconditionally guaranteed: THIS IS THE DAY.but let's not be too hasty in drawing conclusions! because it is rumoured that (a cite:) 'the content, varying from traditional persian songs to jazz rock, received much critical acclaim at the time of the release'. unfortunately, as only a short supply of the elpee in question was pressed, almost no beefheart fan ever knew about its existence, or was able to judge about the difference. unless they have noticed the brand new two-on-one ceedee re-issue (together with her first elpee), of course...
and as even my grandpa - dead as he may be - can perform better versions of the '74 failures than the captain did, there's a good chance shusha's cover is outbeating the original moaning on áll points. several e-shops have announced the fresh re-release, so most likely we don't need * beat goes on (bgo) records * post box 22 * bury * st. edmunds * suffolk * england * no tel. * fax +44 1284 762 245 * e-mail to help us finding it out....
triviality: one of the occasional session musicians who accompanied her, turns out to be later 'mallard' keyboardist john 'rabbit' bundrick.
click clack back to other covers or return to the power station
beefheart electricity
as felt by teejo