from england 1 march 1973
by connor mcknight
is 29 march 1972 interview
note: with contributions by some magic band members
during beefheart's last visit to
these shores, i was able to spend a few hours with
him and members of his magic band, which afforded
me the opportunity of recording a few miles of
taped discussion, extracts of which appear below.
apart from that, i was able to witness all sorts
of strange sights.... for instance, when the band
bus broke down on the road to brighton, the
captain paraded around in the road, in full stage
regalia, totally unperturbed by the astonished
stares of commuters flashing home.... and.
earlier, to relieve a sore throat, he was passed a
tiny bottle of 'green chartreuse', with which to
gargle. having taken a swig and swirled it around
his throat, he became harassed - as if looking for
a receptacle in which to empty the stuff. finding
none, he spat it onto the floor of the bus, just
under the seat, explaining very apologetically
that he had been unable to swallow it in case it
would made him drunk!
roy estrada (aka
oréjon / audi hon): he
grabbed all the publicity when we were in 'the
mothers of invention'. we'd do all the albums, and
somehow they all became hís - zappa's.... that's how
he used to operate. his ability is, like... wow...
fantastic, but, like i say, it's the way he
operates. mind you, it's all coming back on him now;
it's the nature of life - it all balances out. his
equipment was all burnt in that fire, and then there
was that terrible accident at the rainbow.... but
why are we talking about hím? talk about the magic
captain beefheart (don van
vliet): hell, man: he did nothing; the
boys did everything. he just crawled into the
control booth and went to sleep.
zoot horn
rollo (bill harkleroad):
recording 'trout mask replica' didn't take
long at all; we went into the studio, and mr. zappa
came in and said it had to be done in a hurry. so we
did a couple of songs, and he fell asleep. when he
woke up, four and a half hours later, we'd just
about finished the whole album.
RY COODER (band member at the time of
'safe as milk' - t.t.)
captain beefheart: he's
just about gotten up enough nerve to tour now; he
walked out on me just before the monterey festival,
which i thought was a terrible thing to do.... he
should have told me how he felt, before it got too
far. i frankly don't care for his albums; i don't
like using the past.... it's very warlike to do
things out of the past. why does he need that
shield? i told him before he went to england with
jack nitzsche, to play with the rolling stones, that
i didn't think it was a good idea. that they would
utilise him and then just throw him out like an
apple stem. so he came back and said they were just
horrible da da da, they took all my stuff da da da,
what nasty people they were.... and then just
recently, he turned round and praised them, said
what great people they were. now that's weird!
HERB BERMANN (co-writer
some of the songs on 'safe as milk')
captain beefheart: he
was a fellow that i met up in the desert, a writer,
and we collaborated on a few songs. at the time, the
group i was with wouldn't listen to a thing i said;
they said my songs were too far out for them. i
thought that if i worked with someone they
considered to be a professional writer, then they'd
at least listen to it, and maybe even play it.
recorded one night in 1965', but released in
captain beefheart: i
think it was very vulgar of them to put that out.
they told me that i was going to be able to mix it,
but they lied to me.... and they told me that since
i was mixing it, would i mind giving them some
poetry for the sleeve. of course, i said: 'sure',
and sent them the poetry - and then they put it out.
all the details on the cover are wrong - they don't
care.... but i like the music.
on 'trout mask replica' which sounds as if the
singer is being strangled)
captain beefheart: that
was done through a telephone; i wrote it instantly,
played the horn, and then had jimmy semens (jeff
cotton) go outside, find a phone and call up
the studio.... as he recited the words, we recorded
them. the song's based on that newsreel of the
hindenburg airship crash - you got it exactly.
ones rockette morton was running on -
zoot horn
rollo: we were just joking
around, up at the house, with the cassette machine
switched on. it started with potato chips; i had
some, and don was playing with them. then mark (rockette
morton) came up and looked at them kind of
funny. so don yelled out: 'watch those laser
beams'..., and it developed from there, you know.

rockette morton / mark boston by don van
vliet 29 march 1972
ROCKETTE MORTON (which beefheart
gave me in exchange for a copy of 'the
a&m bootleg album' with four tracks
by him included)
captain beefheart:
how do you spell your name? i see (writes
down my name, but spells it incorrectly - so i
point it out to him). oh, it's 'connor'
and not 'connol'.... well, you can pretend
that's an 'r'!
zoot horn
rollo: that was during the
recording of 'neon meate dream of a octafish' ['no,
it's 'hair pie'.' - don] - amazing! you see,
we were going to record the whole album at the
house, but you can tell from 'hair pie; bake 1' that
the equipment wasn't too good. we just couldn't get
it.... so don and the mascara snake (victor haydon)
were wandering around in the grounds of the house,
playing through horns which were miked up to the
recording equipment, while we were playing inside.
well, these two kids walked past and saw these two
guys out there, both wailing away.
zoot horn rollo: antennae
jimmy semens is playing in a group somewhere (mu),
and the mascara snake is living in north california,
near where we are: he's painting a lot. drumbo (john
french) wanted to be a singer, so don set up
an opportunity for him, but he ran from it.... i
wasn't present, but that's how i understand it
zoot horn
rollo: i had seen the band
long before 'safe as milk' was recorded - these guys
with hair down to their waists, all dressed in
black, playing these heavy blues numbers. i was only
a kid at the time, but i used to talk to don
whenever i got the chance. well, one day, he rang up
and asked if i'd like to join the band.... and i had
to tell him that my guitar didn't have any strings
on it. so he said that would be ok, and he had me
rehearsing for two weeks, on a guitar without any
strings...! i was just pretending to play!
i wasn't too good at the time; i just
about knew what an a chord shape looked like, but i
was taking all these drugs.... later, after i
realised what was happening - that i was in a group,
playing and working, making music and money - i
asked don why he wanted me. he said he wanted
someone young and pliable, who would want to change;
he really wanted someone who could accept him for
what he was.... you see, the people who where his
own age were just old farts - and he's too creative
a person to be surrounded by dried up people like
zoot horn
rollo: that's the warner bros
sound stage, a set from a movie called 'hotel' -
that's where we rehearsed. we sometimes went and
played on the set of 'bonanza' too, and mark would
run around wearing huge teeth.... it was crazy: all
the chairs were special ones which were designed to
break into pieces when you hit someone over the head
with them. so every time you wanted to sit down, the
chances were that the chair collapsed. crazy!
captain beefheart: that
wasn't a trout; it's a carp. what i was saying was
that the carp seems to be able to thrive in polluted
waters, and i'm waving to tell people that no-one
else thrives on pollution.
JOHN COLTRANE (free-jazz saxophonist -
captain beefheart: fish
take care of the scales; as soon as i saw a fish, i
realised that they had the scale department sewn up
completely. i think i sound more like a whale or a
dolphin than i do john coltrane.
captain beefheart: the
*****, the absolute ***** [he said: bastards -
t.t.]! you can print that, man - you bring me
a copy of that and i'll sign it!... oh well, i put
myself in this business, so naturally i must expect
the business's trade mark - the bum's rush.
i don't like walt disney; he gave the
wolf capital punishment. it's disgusting to make
cartoons out of animals...: it cheapens them in
people's eyes.
andy warhol's just trying to soup
things up a bit [artist who had painted
a soup can - t.t.].
the very same ass that carried mankind
across the deserts of time is the ass that gave
mankind the brialus hamburger.